Certificate of Conformity with Technical Regulations of the Customs Union

Technical regulations are a legal act, imposing specific requirements to the objects of technical regulation, to quality of products, materials and services. Compliance with the requirements of technical regulations is mandatory.

Technical regulations are developed and approved by the federal law of Russian Federation, by presidential decree or order of the Government, international treaties and intergovernmental agreements. Technical regulations contain requirements for equipment, the quality of goods, conditions of storage and sales. Compliance with these requirements is officially confirmed by the certificate of conformity with technical regulations.

Regulation of products is introduced to help ensure the safety of life, health and property of citizens, preservation of environment, awareness of a wide range of consumers about the quality and safety of products. For confirmation of the level of safety and quality of goods specialized tests for compliance with the relevant technical regulations are held. In case of successful completion of the test a certificate of conformity with technical regulations is issued.

The list of products subject to mandatory certification is included in a system of technical regulation of Russian Federation and approved by the Resolution of Government of Russian Federation dated December 1, 2009 # 982, and amended on November 13, 2010 in # 906.

Products subject to mandatory conformity with technical regulations:


  • Buildings and structures;
  • Elevators;
  • Devices used in hazardous occupations;
  • Devices running on gas fuel;
  • Low-voltage equipment;
  • Vehicles;
  • Fireworks;
  • Personal protective equipment;
  • Tobacco products;
  • Juice products;
  • Dairy products, etc.


 The certificate of conformity provides consumers with guarantees of quality and safety of products and services.

Order of Registration of Certificate of Conformity with Technical Regulations

List of relevant technical regulations is regularly updated and expanded. Certificates are issued for producers of goods and distribution companies.

Issuing a certificate is similar to confirmation of compliance with government standards. Manufacturer provides certification bodies with basic documentation, as well as product samples to be tested. Experts conduct a detailed examination and verification of the material provided. Based on the results of tests the decision to issue the certificate is made.

Documents Needed for Certificate for Foreign Products:

  • Application for a certificate;
  • Copy of the contract;
  • Copies of OGRN (State Registration Number) and INN (Identifying Tax Number) of the applicant;
  • Technical description of the product;
  • Details of the applicant.

Documents Needed for Certificate for Domestic Products:

  • Application for a certificate;
  • Copies of OGRN and INN certificates of the applicant;
  • Technical description of the product;
  • Details of the manufacturer.

Since the certification for conformity with technical regulations is introduced recently, candidates for confirmation are often faced with various issues and difficult situations in the process of completing the procedure. Specialists from our technical center are formally accredited by the system of certification, and are ready to provide detailed advice on all matters and to produce clearance certificate of compliance.

Five Reasons to Come to “Certificate Consulting”:

  • We need short period of time to get documents ready
  • We’ll keep you informed about the stages of the process
  • We guarantee quality of the work performed.
  • Our staff will be available to answer any of your questions.
  • If necessary we’ll help with any information after registration.

You can have all your questions regarding obtaining declaration of conformity addressed by our specialists on the following phones: 8 (812) 339-88-70, 8 (911) 237-77-05 or you can just leave your application on our website. You can also visit our office.

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