Quality System Certificate ISO
Quality Management System (QMS) gradually improves quality of our products due to the fact that errors and problematic situations in manufacturing (that are provoked by percentage of defects) are eliminated. Certification Center “Certificate Consulting” will help you with getting QMS certification.
A good reason to get certification is to minimize the defective and low quality products. Certification is based on the following standards:
- ISO 9001:2008 - regulates the requirements for QMS;
- ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 responsible for the certification of the integrated management system. In this integrated QMS can be certified by one, and by several existing quality standards.
- GOST standards (ISO 9000:2008) are responsible for the quality of products manufactured by the company and for the quality of company services.
What is QMS?
What is QMS? In simple terms it is an enterprise management system aimed at improving the quality of products. That is to say QMS is not a guarantee that all products manufactured will be of the highest quality, but it is a guarantee that the struggle for quality is the main priority for the company. And it conforms to international standards, and therefore will be appreciated.
If defective products are to be found, the line is stopped until the reasons for such defects are discovered. Of course, this process is carried out urgently as nobody is interested in downtime.
All the specialists who are allegedly responsible for defective product are summoned, and after careful analysis and discovery of reasons, the entire batch produced by the shift may be rejected. The incident is documented, the perpetrators are punished, if appropriate documentation is adjusted accordingly and this is brought to the attention of management and everyone involved. It is important to make sure that defective product does not leave the premises of the company. These are hard but necessary measures.
In Europe and USA automotive corporations return those models with defects to the production line. Perhaps this is related to the fear of incurring losses if a defect causes insurance claims, and perhaps this is the policy of the enterprises in the developed countries: the fear to lose trust of consumers. In our country we have not heard of such cases but we cannot rule out that these practices will be introduced in the future.
Functions of QMS Systems
Certification of quality systems is carried out in the following cases:
- Compulsory product certification; when certification scheme is required by the law. In this case the manufacturer is issued a certificate of compliance to mandatory certification at properly accredited certification centers.
- Voluntary product and quality system certification which is carried out at the request and for the personal benefit of the applicant. Upon completion of the certification procedure by accredited certification authorities an applicant should obtain voluntary compliance certificate-declaration.
Currently there are more than 30 certification systems that are authorised to carry out QMS certification. This is due to the need to establish a holistic organizational order for the certification of quality management system in Russia. Standardization Coordination Board under Russian State Standards Committee was organized for exactly this purpose. More about the above you can learn from experts of “Certificate Consulting”.
Functions voluntary Systems QMS certification of quality systems is a register that was created when the State Standard of Russia.
Register of Quality Systems is the function of voluntary QMS certification systems which was established under Russian State Standards Committee (Rosstandart).
Activity of Register of Quality Systems is regulated by the following documents:
- GOST 40.002-2000 “GOST R Certification System. Register of Quality Systems. General Provisions”.
- GOST 40.003-2000 “GOST R Certification System. Register of Quality Systems. Procedure for certification of quality systems and certification of production”.
- GOST 40.005-2000 “GOST R Certification System. Register of Quality Systems”.
QMS Certification
To obtain a certificate of quality standard, it is necessary to audit for compliance with the standard. In case of a successful quality management system certification, the organization receives a certificate, valid for three years. During this period, the company undergoes regular audits that confirm compliance of the certificate obtained.
A quality management system is developed at the enterprise and the certification authority assists in the development and introduction of the quality system. System is based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and should conform to the profile of the organization, as well as reflect the real techniques and processes.
One cannot buy a certificate or other authorization document. They are processed by a certification center or certification authority.
Certification Center “Certificate Consulting” is ready to assist you in preparing the necessary documents.